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A Unique Brain-Based Approach to Healing and Learning

NeuroSomatic Therapy and NeuroMovement® help the brain grow healthy connections

I work with neurodivergent children who have disabilities, special needs, autism, developmental delays, genetic diseases and other challenges to help their brains become better learners.

I also work with adults looking to move past chronic pain and injuries, recover mobility, or those looking for better mental health and dealing with the aftermath of trauma and anxiety.

The key to moving past limitations is the brain's ability to change. 

Are you a parent looking to unlock your special kid's learning abilities?

Click here for pediatric NeuroMovement® 

NeuroMovement unlocks the brain's ability to change, develop, learn and grow, for children with special needs. 

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Are you looking to move past chronic pain?

NeuroMovement and NeuroSomatic Therapy help you regain mobility with ease.

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Back Pain Treatment

Are you looking for mental health support?

My own unique blend of NeuroSomatic therapy wil lhelp you move beyond your current limitations.  It's time to live life to the fullest!

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Counseling session discussion

What is Neurosomatic therapy?

Your brain is involved in everything. But how does your brain learn to do what it does? Your brain constantly receives and integrates billions of pieces of information. This is how babies and children learn anything. Billions of neurons connect and patterns are created that pretty much make us the creatures of habit that we are. 

Improve your brain with neuromouvement and neurosomatic therapy. Ameliorez votre cerveau grace à la thérapie neurosomatique et au neuromouvement

Life is movement. Movement is life

To change anything, your brain needs to learn something new, to create a new pattern. For that, it needs new, better, richer information. NeuroSomatic Therapy uses various modalities, including the Anat Baniel Method® of Neuromovement® , Feldenkrais method, somatic psychology, polyvagal theory, EFT/Tapping, Brain Gym, neuro-coaching, and more, to give your brain new and richer information.

Neuromovement ® is a somatic practice that involves deliberate, conscious, slow and varied natural movements that you do with the help of a practitioner.  Other modalities I use (like counselling,  EFT Tapping, polyvagal theory, and neuro-coaching) support rapid brain change and thought reframing. With new information you generate brain change, which for most people translates into: improvements in mobility, reductions in pain and chronic pain conditions, recovery from injuries and accidents, improvements in brain function (e.g. memory, attention, language, learning), and better processing of emotions. 

Brain and body wellness neurosomatic therapy and neuromovement

Why is neurosomatic therapy good for mental health? Because emotions are also movements of thought in our brains. We store stress, trauma, heartache and emotional issues in our bodies as much as in our brains. You are one whole person and the two elements cannot be untied.

Children with special needs also benefit immensely from neurosomatic therapy and Neuromovement®  because their brains are plastic and eager to learn. Children with neurological challenges, genetic disorders, physical disabilities, developmental delays, autism, learning disabilities, or other limitations can increase their learning potential by harnessing the brain's innate capacity for change, using movement.  The Anat Baniel Method® of Neuromovement®  is known to generate high-impact changes and rapid learning in most children.  

Neuromovement for children with special needs in montreal

What I've been up to ...



Neurosomatic Therapy and Neuromovement
4260 Avenue Girouard, Suite 250-7
Montreal area, Quebec City
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