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Movement and Attention
NeuroMovement for ADD and ADHD

If you are one of the millions of parents of a child suffering from attention deficit disorder or ADHD, you are probably reluctant to give your child medication. Yet, you can see that your child is struggling at school or socially. There is a lot of pressure these days to make our children more "calm" at school and this causes them significant anxiety and emotional distress.


I'm here to tell you that there is another alternative, one that helps address the root causes of ADD and ADHD in your child's brain.  With NeuroMovement® we can leverage change in your child's brain to help them build their basic faculties such as attention and focus.  And we can do this in a non-invasive, non-stressful and fun way!

Movement and attention

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are common neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These disorders can impact a child's academic performance and social functioning.


The Anat Baniel Method of Neuromovement is based on the principle that "movement is the language of the brain". The method involves slow, gentle movements designed to stimulate the brain's ability to learn and adapt. These movements help the brain to form new neural pathways, which increase its capacity to process information. 


Additionally, the Anat Baniel Method of NeuroMovemenr® takes a holistic approach to each individual, which means that it considers the child's physical, emotional, and cognitive needs and abilities. The method recognizes that there is a complex interplay between these different domains, and that addressing one area of functioning can have positive effects on the others. We focus on what your child CAN do, rather than on their challenges: on what your child CAN focus on, even if for a second, and then we build on that.


By improving a child's connection to themselves through refined physical movement, the Anat Baniel Method of NeuroMovement®  can help to reduce anxiety and increase confidence, which can have positive effects on academic performance and social functioning.


In the Anat Baniel Method® of Neuromovement®, I will work with your child to give them opportunities to perceive increasingly complex and subtle differences.  I do this by exploring their body's own movement in a way that is non-threatening and attention-building. 

Beanie Hat and Book
Reading Together

Mindfulness and Self Awareness as ingredients of attention

Research has shown that the Anat Baniel Method of Neuromovement can improve attention and focus. A study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that children who participated in the method showed significant improvements in attention, processing speed, and cognitive flexibility compared to a control group. Another study published in the Journal of Neurofeedback found that the method improved task performance, attention, and impulse control in children with ADHD.


The Anat Baniel Method of Neuromovement® uses mindful movement rather than repetitive exercice or sport, as a way to cultivate interoception (sense of inner self), proprioception (sense of self in space), and organization. The connection between the ability to regulate attention and well-being is profoundly exemplified in mindfulness or mindful awareness, and, when it is dysfunctional, in ADD or ADHD.  


Mindful movement involves focusing one's attention on the physical sensations of movement, such as the feeling of the feet touching the ground or the movement of the arms. By practicing mindfulness, children can learn to slow down, be more present, become aware and focused, which can help them to regulate their behavior and emotions. What the brain learns through movement (when to inhibit, how to control, how to slow down), the brain then transfers to other functions and aspects of life. 


How is NeuroMovement® different from other therapies?

Although every child is different, I believe that the NeuroMovement approach is a good alternative to pursuing medical treatment for children exhibiting ADD or ADHD.  


The key to allowing your child's brain to learn is to show it how it can do things differently.  To do this, we have to make sure the brain perceives a sense of safety; both from physical threat and from emotional stress, such as judgement.


Under stress, a child will learn nothing.  Or worse, they will learn that whatever you are trying to teach them is synonymous with pain and suffering. Trust that, under the right conditions, your child would do what you ask if they could.  


I work with your child from the angle of possibilities.  In every state, wherever your child is, there is ALWAYS possibility.  By working with them in ways that help them see what they CAN do, what they CAN be, they develop the safety and confidence to learn.  And because movement is the language of the brain, exploring movement with a child  helps them upgrade their brain for all types of learning.    As a practitioner, I work with children at all levels of development and all levels of ability.  There is no "should" - your child is doing their level best, and I am here to show their brain how to function better. 


While it may be unusual to use movement to address a neurological challenge, remember that babies first learn through movement: that minute movements and changes occur millions of times per second in our bodies and our brains. If your child is experiencing learning and attention deficit, movement is a language all humans understand.  


Give your child the gift of a free, learning brain. 

Children in School.  NeuroMovement can help children with ADD or ADHD develop their attention and focus
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